June 16, 2020
Want to learn more about the Zoom Performance team of coaches? We will be highlighting one coach at a time, giving you the opportunity to learn what makes them tick, how they came to join the team, and their best advice to athletes!
Next up, is Coach Danna. We asked her to share a little about herself. We hope you enjoy this little look behind the scenes!
- Name: Danna Herrick
- Hometown:
- Boone→ Kirksville, Missouri → Des Moines → Michigan → Des Moines… by way of Childhood, College, Physical Therapy School, Career, Professional Running, Coaching…and the adventure continues!
- Family: Wife to Justin and Dog-Mom to Hawi, our 7 year old goldendoodle
- High School: Boone High School (2005)
- College: Truman State University (2009), Des Moines University (2012)
- Degree: Bachelor of Exercise Science and minor in Spanish, Doctorate in Physical Therapy
- Athletic background: High school – cross-country, basketball, track, softball, dance; College – cross-country and track & field
- Areas of specialty or expertise: Run coaching, gait analysis, movement analysis
- How did you get into coaching: I have been fortunate to have had the guidance of many exceptional coaches and mentors throughout my athletic career. Those individuals each played a role in developing me into the woman I am today and influenced my path beyond running. I want to give back to the sport and to share my knowledge, passion, and joy for the journey beyond the finish line.
- Activities outside of training/coaching: Hiking, indulging at local breweries, doodle dates, traveling
- Favorite memory from racing: That’s a tie…Qualifying for and racing at the Ironman World Championships with Justin (2015) and the USA Olympic Marathon Trials (2020) with my entire family and A-Team, all celebrating the experience together.
- First job or strangest job you’ve ever had: I detasseled corn fields north of Boone for 6 weeks the summer before 7th grade. I spent my entire paycheck on a 5 disc CD player in order to rotate Ace of Base, Spice Girls, Jock Jams, MTV Party To Go, and (likely) a Napster-burned disc on “shuffle”.
- One piece of advice you give (or would like to give) to every athlete: Training for any sport can seem long…but life is short. Choose joy along the journey. As rewarding as the finish is, the middle – the becoming on the path is the real party. Dance and celebrate where you are today.
- Favorite race you’ve ever done: Boston Marathon (2017), Ome 30k in Japan (2018), and Frankfurt Marathon (2018). I would love to get my arse on a triathlon bike again… I hear Mont Tremblant is a European escape in disguise.
- Favorite place where you’d love to go to train: Muskoka, Canada
- Stupid human trick you can perform or other unique talent you have: Dancing…a stupid human trick or a unique talent? That’s up for debate.
- Any other interesting facts or things you’d like people to know about you: I considered myself a “runner” until I met and married Justin. 2 days after he raced the Ironman World Championships (2012) we celebrated our honeymoon on the island of Kauai. Over a plate of pancakes and coconut syrup, I said “I want to race an Ironman before we have kids someday”… 3 years later, we stood together on the startline in Kona and I realized I wasn’t just a “runner.” I no longer label myself or measure where I think the ceiling is… the truth lies in the people I surround myself with, the challenges they help me leap toward, and the beauty of life when we say ‘yes’ to adventure and to ‘the sky’s the limit.’