Archives March 2013


Spring Speed!

Spring Speed! Looking to have a break out racing season or trying to figure out the best way to improve your marathon PR?  A lot of the time, athletes get to comfortable in training for longer distance road races.  There seems to be a tendency to stray away from the shorter races with fear of …


Strength Training: Three Reasons to Hit the Gym

Strength Training: Three Reasons to Hit the Gym Endurance athletes already deal with a full training schedule in addition to their professional, personal, and home lives. When it comes to adding strength training sessions to the mix, many athletes feel their time is better spent with swim/bike/run than in the gym. Let’s look at why …


Ready to Try a Tri?

Ready to Try a Tri? Last year you were a spectator along the course, cheering your friend, brother, co-worker to the finish. Your emotions waffled between awe and envy, and even thoughts of, “Oh, I could never do that!” The racers were of every weight, age, and size imaginable. And yet, watching them, one idea …